Costa Mesa Auto Accident Lawyers
You have many options when it comes to hiring a law firm to represent you in a moving vehicle accident claim in Orange County, but don’t you want a firm that will treat you like family? At Case Barnett Law, our small but dedicated staff cares about you, not the potential value of your claim.
When you are injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you need a legal team in your corner who cares about your physical and emotional recovery and will fight to get you the financial compensation you need and deserve. At Case Barnett Law, you are not a case number—you are a person.
While it may be true that some accidents truly are accidental, when you are injured because another person acted negligently or carelessly, there is nothing accidental about it. That person should be held accountable for his or her actions and you should be compensated for the losses you have suffered because of the injury. Whether you were hurt in a car crash, bus accident, big rig crash, or any other accident caused by another person, you need a legal team that will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve.
At Case Barnett Law, we pride ourselves on our customer service. You are not just a number with us. We treat each client as an individual and we will investigate your accident, explore all avenues of compensation, fight for a fair settlement, and go to trial if necessary to protect your right to a fair recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our legal services for accident victims.
Types of Moving Vehicle Accident Cases We Accept
When motorists, truck drivers, and others are careless or negligent in their duties and cause an accident, innocent people can be seriously injured. These victims are entitled to hold the negligent party liable for his or her actions. At Case Barnett Law, we are experienced in representing victims of the following types of accidents:
- Car accidents. When another driver’s action (or inaction) causes a crash that leaves you injured, you have a right to be compensated for your damages.
- Railroad crossing accidents. A poorly marked railroad crossing is a dangerous hazard to motorists and the liable party should be held accountable.
- Commercial vehicle accidents. Commercial drivers, including truckers and delivery drivers, have a duty to protect the public by driving safely. When they do not, innocent people are injured.
- Bus accidents. Bus drivers are held to a higher standard of care because they are responsible for so many lives. If you were injured in a bus crash, you will need skilled legal representation.
- Bicycle accidents. Motorists are often blind to cyclists on the road and fail to give them the space and respect they deserve. Hold the driver who caused your bicycle accident accountable.
- Motorcycle accidents. Motorcyclists are vulnerable to serious injury when a car or truck driver fails to see them and yield the right-of-way. Recovery from a motorcycle crash can be difficult and costly.
- Pedestrian accidents. Cars must always yield to pedestrians, and failing to see a pedestrian is not an excuse. If you were injured or a loved one was killed in a pedestrian accident, talk to our attorney.
- Boating accidents. Many boating accidents happen because of driver inexperience or intoxication. Whatever the cause of the boat crash that left you injured, we can help.
If you feel that you are being treated unfairly by an insurance company following an accident—we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your case. If we do not feel we can help, we will not charge you a dime.
Frequently Asked Questions About Auto Accident Injuries
Should I Seek Immediate Medical Attention After a Traumatic Event?
Yes. The victim is always responsible for proving that he or she was injured in a particular incident. Insurance companies and juries often believe that if you aren’t hurt badly enough to seek immediate medical attention, you aren’t hurt badly enough to deserve compensation. Don’t ignore signs of pain, even small ones. See a doctor as soon as possible; minor injuries can always get worse.
Should I Disclose My Health History and Habits to My Doctor?
Yes, it is important to be honest when answering questions about your past medical history. A health care provider will usually ask if you had any injury or sickness before your current problem. It is important to be thorough and truthful when answering this type of question. Doctors use past medical history to diagnose and treat you. Providing incomplete information can impact the quality of the medical care you receive. Concealing prior injury or sickness from your doctor will also hurt your legal case. If you provide your doctors with incomplete information, their medical opinions could be rejected by insurance companies and juries.
Should I Talk to My Doctor About My Accident?
Sharing your legal issues or concerns with a medical care provider should be unnecessary. A doctor’s job is to focus on your medical condition. To do that job, a doctor does not have to know about your lawsuit or your lawyer. Most doctors do not want to be involved in a lawsuit. If you tell a doctor he or she is treating an injury that is the subject of a lawsuit, it could impact the willingness to provide treatment or reach important conclusions.
What Happens if I Miss a Medical Appointment After My Accident?
Insurance companies and juries get to see your medical records. When you skip a medical appointment, your record just says “DNS,” which means “did not show.” Excuses – no matter how valid – usually do not make it into the record. More than one or two “DNS” entries could make it look like you were not committed to getting better. Skipping medical appointments or showing up late could also irritate your doctor. Irritated doctors do not make good witnesses for their patients.
What Happens if My Pain Is Not Accurately Documented in My Medical Records?
Insurance companies and juries will not believe that you are in pain just because you say so. They need to read about your pain in your medical records. When insurance companies and juries review your records, they will be looking to see how soon you reported pain after an injury and how long you continued to report that pain.
What Happens if I Fail to Inform My Doctor That My Injury Is Affecting My Ability to Work?
Insurance companies and juries will not believe that your injury affects your ability to work just because you say so. If your injury is affecting your ability to work, it is important to mention such a problem to your health care provider. Work problems caused by injuries may be treatable, and they should be noted in your medical records.
What Happens if I Fail to Take My Medications as Prescribed?
There is a reason why doctors prescribe a particular type of medication for a particular period. You should follow your doctor’s recommendation until your doctor tells you something different. If you think a medication is making your muscles ache or your stomach hurt, say so; side effects are not rare, and your doctor can usually switch you to another drug. Don’t put yourself in the position where you have to admit that you chose not to follow your doctor’s advice.
What Happens if I Stop Medical Treatment Too Soon?
Insurance companies and juries often believe if a person stops seeking medical treatment for an injury, the injury must be healed. They also believe that significant gaps between treatments suggest that you healed from one injury and must have suffered a new one unrelated to the first. If you have an injury that is affecting your ability to function, you should seek medical treatment until you are healed or until a doctor tells you that there is nothing more that can be done to improve your condition. If you are still suffering and your doctor tells you to “come back as needed” or “call me if you have any problems,” you should ask how long you should wait to call if you continue to have the same level of pain and disability.
What Happens if I Fail to Follow Treatment Recommendations Related to Depression or Anxiety?
Often, pain and/or disability can trigger depression and anxiety. Psychological conditions like depression and anxiety are just as real as broken bones. They cannot be overcome without appropriate treatment. A person who causes another person physical injury is also responsible for resulting psychological conditions. Insurance companies and juries usually only compensate victims of injury-related depression and anxiety if those conditions are properly diagnosed and treated by medical professionals.
What Happens if I Fail to Keep a Medical File After My Accident?
It is important that your lawyer knows every medical care provider that you see after an injury. It is also important that you keep track of all doctor orders, treatment referrals and/or work restrictions. Keeping a file of all materials provided to you by health care providers and insurance companies will ensure that you can provide all necessary information to your lawyer at the appropriate time.