When you're involved in a car collision, it's important you immediately have your car, or as soon as possible have your car, examined for any defects. In the car, there might be something wrong with your car that you don't know about because of this collision that could create greater danger and greater exposure to your own safety. There are a couple of different paths that can be taken in order to get your car fixed. In any motor collision case, you have to inform your insurance company of the accident. It's easiest and cleanest to first go through your own insurance company, and then they can do the heavy lifting of going after the other individual's insurance company to get reimbursed and to get your deductible reimbursed. Now, there are some people who have a problem paying their initial deductible. In that situation, we work very hard to try to get the other party to take responsibility and pay the money as quickly as possible. So, there are really two different routes depending on each individual potential client's situation and their desires. Typically, in an auto accident, the car repair cost is going to be covered by either your own insurance company or the other party's insurance company. It's really going to be driven by which insurance companies you are dealing with, what kind of insurance you have, and what your deductible is. If your car's totaled out, you end up being in a very difficult spot. You're never going to get full value for the value of your car when it gets totaled out. The insurance companies use Blue Book value. They also will pull some advertisements to show what different cars are selling, but it never properly reimburses you for the value of your car. You're not entitled to a jury trial over the value of your car; you're only entitled to an arbitration. Arbitrations are very difficult to win; you just have an individual, one person making the decision on the value of your car, and it's rarely worth the cost and time of fighting over that. An individual who has been injured in an auto accident is entitled to receive damages for both non-economic and economic injury. The economic injuries would be things like medical bills, both past and future, lost wages, or anything that you can really put a hard number on, such as loss or damage. The non-economic damages are more difficult to quantify because there's not a hard number that attaches to each one. This is really where it's important to know the individual's story, know who they were before the accident, how the accident has changed them after, and the non-economic damages are one of those things that are very difficult for people to articulate, and it's very difficult for people to understand and appreciate who haven't been involved in an injury case, but it's one thing that we work really hard on, learning the client's story, learning how this accident has affected them, and explaining to a jury or an adjuster or wherever we have to, why this case is different than the other hundred cases that they're dealing with. Why is this case the non-economic value of this case, and so on? When a person can get compensated after an auto accident is largely determined by how serious their injuries are. We don't want to resolve a case until we have a real good idea that the injuries someone has suffered are what we call permanent and stationary, or at least we know what they're going to look like when they are permanent and stationary because you can't properly evaluate a case until you know how bad the accident has affected the client. So, it could be anywhere from four months to four years, really. If you're hit by an uninsured driver, don't panic. We take a look at your insurance policy, and when you look at your insurance policy, most policies carry a section that says uninsured or underinsured coverage. The first place you look at is that you have underinsured or uninsured coverage and to see what the amount is to see if it's something that is actually going to help you or something that's just barely going to get you by. If you've been injured and you need an attorney, call Case Barnett Law at 949-861-2990 or visit our website at casebarnettlaw.com.
Costa Mesa Car Accident Lawyers
When accidents happen, they can leave victims seriously injured and unsure of how they'll afford to pay their medical bills, repair or replace their damaged vehicle, or generally make ends meet. Car accident victims who were injured due to another person's negligence may be entitled to compensation for injuries and other damages.
If you were injured in a car accident you didn't cause, we can help you.
Common Causes of Car Accidents in Costa Mesa, California
There are a number of different types of car accidents. Some of the most common accident types include:
- Drunk Driving: In 2015, alcohol played a role in 29 percent of fatal crashes, according to the NHTSA.
- Distracted Driving: More than 391,000 people were injured, and 3,477 were killed in distracted driving accidents in 2015. Common distracted driving behaviors include texting while driving, eating and drinking, changing the music, or using a navigation system.
- Roadway Defects: If a defect in the roadway caused your accident, you may be able to sue the government agency that was responsible for maintaining the road.
- Motor Vehicle Defects: Issues with the car's seat belts, airbags, braking systems, ignition, and more can cause a car accident. This is called product liability.
- Drugged Driving: Recreational or street drugs aren't the only substances that contribute to such accidents—prescription drugs, including opioids, also play a role.
- Drowsy Driving: Driving while fatigued can be just as impairing as driving while drunk or drugged, according to a study by AAA.
- Adverse Weather Conditions: Fog and rain can both cause dangerous driving conditions, which can lead to accidents.
Common Car Accident Injuries
- Lacerations
- Whiplash
- Severe bruises
- Head injuries, including concussions and traumatic brain injuries
- Broken or crushed bones
- Amputations
- Back injuries, such as herniated discs or slipped discs
- Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis
- Eye injuries, including blindness or eye loss
- Torn muscles
- Internal injuries
- Death
Contact an Experienced California Personal Injury Lawyer Today
At Case Barnett Law, our experienced Costa Mesa car accident attorney legal team understands just how difficult it can be after suffering an injury from an auto accident, and we know how to help you find a legal strategy that can see you through this mess and land you the compensation you deserve.
You can find out whether you have a valid case at no cost to you. That’s because we offer free consultations. To request a free consultation with our team, reach out by calling 949-409-0055 or filling out the online contact form below. We have been proudly servicing clients throughout Costa Mesa, California, and the surrounding areas.